Wednesday, January 23, 2013

15mm Lancashire Games Mongols

I'm posting this so I can use the image at Fanaticus, hopefully more to come later.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Minifig Saxon Command

In my ongoing effort to drive off Harold's plundering army, I'm selling a pack of Saxon command figures.  It has eight sets of three figures (standard, general, horn blower).

When painted, they look like this:

Saturday, January 5, 2013

For Sale: 15mm SF

Many years ago I owned a set of 15mm SF figures, troops in powered armor.  Oddly enough, the armor was painted bright orange. I don't know where I got them or what the painter's logic was for that choice, but somehow it worked.  Ever since then I've thought it might be fun to paint figures like that, so when I placed a recent order for some of Blue Moon's new 15mm 3 Musketeers line I ordered a couple packs of SF just for fun.

These figures are a pack of 10 Mercantile Bond Soldiers.  What that means I don't know, but I thought they looked cool.

I didn't have the courage to paint them orange, but I wanted some bright colors, so I brushed the eye-parts in neon green, reminiscent of a stereotypical night-vision goggle color.   It isn't visible from far away, but up close it looks good (IMHO).

The figures have an unusually large base, both wide and tall.   I wasn't quite sure what to do with it so I mounted them on pennies, painted the whole thing dirt brown, and flocked in contrasting colors.

They were a nice change of pace to paint, but I don't see myself gaming with them anytime soon so I'm selling them to raise money for my 10mm ECW project.