Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sold: III/24 DBA Middle Saxons

Last month I bought some 15mm unpainted Minifig Saxons from a guy who had them in his garage for decades.  And when I say some, I mean Harold and his whole darn army.  500+ of them.  And they're not even Saxons from the Arthurian period I like to game!  So, off go the first batch up on eBay.  The army is all foot, some 58 figures in 15 stands.  That's about the maximum number of figures you'll find in a DBA army.  And if this army included the 2x7Horde option it probably would hit the record.

The bulk of the Army is the Saxon spearwall, 11 stands of it.  The army includes one Spear general, with a red dragon banner.  There is also one stand of psiloi, the stand in the top left, with two slingers.  It's not visible on this picture, but I experimented with alternating colors in a dashed line around the hem of their tunics to model Saxon embroidery, which was apparently famous throughout Europe (go figure).  The effect turned out even better than I hoped, so I'll keep using it when I paint more of these guys.

At this point in history, most Saxons were Christian, and crosses were a common shield design.  The traditional Sunwheel was even more common, as I've done these guys.   This was the first time I've used an ink pen to outline the shield designs, and I like how it looks, although my hand could have been a little steadier on some. 

Finally, there is an option for King Harold and his Huscarls to be Warband (impetuous foot) instead of Spear, which are represented like this.   For these stands the Dragon standard is painted in Wessex gold, to symbolize Harold's personal banner.

For more information on using this army in DBA, here is the Fanaticus page on it.

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