Friday, January 27, 2012

10mm Renaissance

My newest folly is assembling a Renaissance-era army in 10mm.  Everything I've done so far has been 15mm, but in the course of trying to flesh out some 1980s era true-15s (as opposed to the 18mm figures in vogue now) these 10mm caught my eye.  From what I can see on the Internet, the 10mm scale offers both a "massed soldier effect" and a lower price--much lower, in some cases.

So when a poster at Fanaticus offered some leftover 10mm figures for the 15th century Italian Wars, I figured that would be a good way to put my toes in the water, so to speak.

The first thing I noticed was how small these figures are.  the picture below shows a comparison between a 15mm figure (a Dark Ages lancer by Essex) and a 10mm figure (a mounted crossbowmen by Pendraken).

The challenge will be downshifting the level of detail when painting, relying more on bulk than on individual figures for the desired effect.   Pictures to follow (eventually).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Big Blue Romans

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this on ebay today: an Imperial Roman DBA army painted in Michigan maize and blue:

What a fun idea.  Technically it might work better with early Republican Romans, when there weren't uniform colors yet, but this guy's work is far too cool to pick nits with.  :)   Nicely painted, too.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

SOLD: Leadpile Abatement 1/12

If I'm going to part with some of my beloved miniatures, I guess I can sell some unpainted ones too.  I'll start with this assortment of pre-AD Chinese, bits and piece that I'll never, ever get around to painting.  I saved the Tang Dynasty packs because I almost have enough for a complete DBA army, and I found some extra Sung packs that I could add to my current Sung army, but otherwise, out the door they go.

Ebay link here

SOLD: Painted 15mm indians FIW AWI 1812

My first ebay listing is up.  :)    I originally bought these figures and some AWI militia unpainted to sell, but the longer I hold on to them, the more reluctant I get, so there they go...
To visit the auction, click here
Some closer shots...

Anyone who followed my previous miniature blog might notice the better quality pictures.  Thanks Santa!

UPDATE: These went for $26--well more than expected.  Must be the new camera.  :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My First Painting Contract

A Bartertown user posted looking for a painter with experience in doing British Peninsular War troops--with 15mm Old Glory figs, no less.  Since that's exactly what I've been doing for the past two or three years (albeit with the occasional detour into Portuguese or Spanish territory), I volunteered my services for $1 a figure.   The poster agreed, and sent me approximately 100 figs to work on.
Work in Progress :)
 After two evenings of painting, the 32 figures of guard infantry are mostly done.  I'm just hesitating because he asked for white-over-white plumes, but only the grenadier companies had those, most guard companies had white-over-red like the line units did.   The other bags are mostly light infantry, either rifles or cacadores, but with another 32 redcoats (the 43rd Foot and KGL).   I find that 32 at once is about the limit of where I feel comfortable doing at once.

Hopefully this will be the first of many figure sales in 2012!