Sunday, January 1, 2012

My First Painting Contract

A Bartertown user posted looking for a painter with experience in doing British Peninsular War troops--with 15mm Old Glory figs, no less.  Since that's exactly what I've been doing for the past two or three years (albeit with the occasional detour into Portuguese or Spanish territory), I volunteered my services for $1 a figure.   The poster agreed, and sent me approximately 100 figs to work on.
Work in Progress :)
 After two evenings of painting, the 32 figures of guard infantry are mostly done.  I'm just hesitating because he asked for white-over-white plumes, but only the grenadier companies had those, most guard companies had white-over-red like the line units did.   The other bags are mostly light infantry, either rifles or cacadores, but with another 32 redcoats (the 43rd Foot and KGL).   I find that 32 at once is about the limit of where I feel comfortable doing at once.

Hopefully this will be the first of many figure sales in 2012!

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