Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1/26b Trojans

This is the Trojan side of my Trojan War set (their Mycenaean opponents can be seen here).  I did these in reds, pinks, and yellows to distinguish them from the Mycenaeans, who use identical figures, but painted in blues and greens.  The color scheme comes from the Trojan Archer statue that they have recently recolored after finding traces with ultraviolet light.

1 x LCh/Bd (general), 3xLCh, 5xSp, 1x (Aux or Bd), 2xPs
The flocking for these--and the Mycenaeans--is lighter colored than my usual flocking, and includes more rocks.  This was the result of negotiations between my daughter (for whom I painted this), who wanted more green, and I, who wanted more sand and dirt.  In the end, I added tan sand and extra rocks to my usual green flocking to get this paler color.
Aeneas and his Dardanian Spearmen
 Personally, Aeneas is my favorite character, so I wanted to paint him.  I couldn't much in the way of description, except for his gleaming helment.  You can't see it in this picture, but I used a golden color instead of bronze for his helmet.  I also made a stand of spearmen with similar equipment and colors to represent his followers from Dardania, in what is now Southwestern Turkey.
The loser Paris
My daughter wasn't sure about clothing Paris in pink, but I was. How lame can you get, laying around smooching with Helen while your brother is out there fighting Achilles on your behalf?  I also painted Hector, with his distinctive plume of black horsehair atop his helmet, and Sarpendon in his gleaming armor.  Apparently the tin content (or something) is high in the part of Turkey where he came from, so the bronze from that area appears to gleam like gold--so I painted it that way. 

Next are the Trojan Spear.
A mix of Museum Miniatures and Old Glory 15mm
Finally the Amazons that fought on the Trojan side.  Apparently, they were historically armed with spear and shield like the men, but I happened to have some Black Raven 15mm Amazons with bows on hand.  Since this is a stand of Aux, I decided that it would do fine.
No naked amazons for my daughter's army, though.
Almost the same as the Mycenaeans, except for replacing 1xSp with either 1xBd for more ground-pounder strength or with 1x Aux for bad terrain strength.

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