Friday, February 17, 2012

SOLD: FIW or AWI Frontier Militia

These are 12 Old Glory 15mm Frontier Militia figures, mostly wearing floppy hats and hunting coats, but with a couple in jackets and alternate headgear.  As with the Indians I posted earlier, these are intended for skirmish gaming, individually mounted and each figure is unique in some way, either the pose or the color mix.  This is looking at the lot from eye level.
I really like the facial sculpting on these figures.   Mrs. Higglebottom is standing at the back, making sure the boys don't cause trouble. 
Here is a shot that shows figure backs a little more clearly.  While they aren't all identical, this gives you an idea of what they look like from all angles.

Not the best picture, I agree, but it shows what it needs to show.

In any case, I'm going to inquire with the person who bought my matching set of Indians, and if that doesn't work, put them on eBay.

UPDATE: Sure enough, he wanted them, so out the door they went. :)

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